After a series of legal procedure, Mr. Martin was sentenced to three years in prison. 在一系列法律程序之后,马丁先生被判三年徒刑。
If the evidence for undertaking a specific administrative act is conclusive, the application of the law and regulations to the act is correct, and the legal procedure is complied with, the specific administrative act shall be sustained by judgment. (一)具体行政行为证据确凿,适用法律、法规正确,符合法定程序的,判决维持。
The composition of the arbitration tribunal or the arbitration procedure is in contrary to the legal procedure; 仲裁庭的组成或者仲裁的程序违反法定程序的;
Parliament on Earth only through legal procedure law of the Earth. 只对地球议会通过合法程序制定的地球法律负责。
The procedural act that legal organ serve litigious documents to consignee in accordance with legal procedure and legal form in order to make them into legal force is called service. 送达是法定机关按照法定程序和法定方式将诉讼文书交收件人并发生一定法律效力的诉讼行为。
But I don't think the company followed the correct legal procedure. 但我认为,公司没有遵循正确的法律程序。
The first lady said in an interview that she believed it is no longer a secret to anyone that she and the president are preparing for a divorce, and that she and the president will eventually resort to the legal procedure. 这位第一夫人在接受采访时表示:她相信她和总统正准备离婚对任何人都已不是秘密,她和总统最终将走向法律解决程序。
This perfectly legal procedure allows a company with all its operations abroad to merge with an existing publicly traded US shell company and eventually raise money by selling shares to American investors. 这是一种完全合法的程序,通过该程序,一家业务全部在海外的公司,可与现有已经上市的美国壳公司合并,最后通过将股票出售给美国投资者成功融得资金。
Obtain the evidence according to the legal procedure, and insure the legitimacy of evidence obtaining; 依照法定程序获取证据,确保证据取得的合法性;
Be normal legal procedure so? 这样是正常的法律程序吗?
Because policy-holder must is opposite of insurance mark have insurance interest, so, the cession of insurance mark can bring the change of insurance contract main body accordingly, those who transfer insurance sign perform legal procedure with respect to need. 由于投保人必须对保险标的具有保险利益,所以,保险标的转让相应地会带来保险合同主体的变更,转让保险标的就需要履行法定的手续。
Full understanding of the American legal procedure will require our constant attention to the existence of the adversary system as well as critical analysis of its shortcomings. 美国法定程序充分理解,需要我们不断关注对手制度的存在以及其缺点的批判性分析。
When putting to the proof and inquiring about the proof, the litigant sh ould foll ow the legal procedure, and judges must authenticate the evidence by the rule of evidence presentation. 举证和质证应按照法律规定的程序进行,并由法官运用证据规则对证据作出正确认证。
Nomological Analysis on the Relations between Legal Procedure and Legal Entity 法律程序与法律实体关系的法理分析
Act in accordance with universal legal principle to actualize the defense on legal procedure and form basic behavior rule when carrying tourism right into effect. 实施旅游权,要遵循法律的普适原则,要体现法律在程序上的各种保障,要形成基本的行为规范。
During the judicial process the people's court makes it a point to collect the evidence as comprehensively as possible according to legal procedure. 人民法院在审判活动中坚持依照法定程序全面地搜集证据。
Reform and Inspiration of Proper Legal Procedure in American Juvenile Judicial Transformation 美国少年司法变迁中的正当法律程序改革及其借鉴
Before being used as the evidence, the audiovisual reference material must be reviewed strictly by the legal procedure. 视听资料在我国是一种独立的证据种类,它对民事案件过程的再现具有其他证据种类无法比拟的特性。
At the personal management stage, the work of the personnel managers is a management officers and workers'welfare, and with the legal procedure of labor union. 在人事管理阶段,人事经理们的工作是管理职工福利,以及和工会的法律程序方面。
In our traditional juristical culture, the drawback that the substantive law has been attached more importance to than legal procedure has been all through the ages, and the design and application of the legal procedure has been received little attention. 在我国传统的法律文化中,历来有重实体而轻程序的积弊,程序设计和运用受到了不应有的冷落。
The decision to put a person under education-through-labor is made through a strict legal procedure and under a system of legal supervision in order to avoid subjecting the wrong person to the program. 对劳动教养的决定,有严格的法定程序和法律监督制度,避免错误地决定收容劳动教养。
In the event of increase of capital stock by capital reserves, the legal procedure implemented and relative resolution shall be stated; 若用资本公积转增股本,应说明其履行的法律程序及有关决议。
The legal procedure allows no appeal. 法律程序不容许上诉。
The public interest, the compensation standard and the legal procedure are stipulated, and have formed complete land-use system in the laws in the world. 各国在其相关法律中对征地的公共利益、补偿标准和征用程序作了规定,形成了较为完善的土地征用制度。
According to relevant sources, currently, the three suspected criminals have been arrested, and trial will soon be carried out according to legal procedure. 据有关方面告,现已将三名涉嫌犯罪分子逮捕,即将依司法程序进行审判。
The appointment and removal of managers shall be in compliance with legal procedure and shall be publicly announced. 经理的任免应履行法定的程序,并向社会公告。
In our country, the criminal law has made explicit stipulation to the institutional crime, while Law of Criminal Procedure lacks the corresponding stipulation of legal procedure. 我国刑法对单位犯罪作出了明确的规定,但刑事诉讼法缺乏相应的诉讼程序规定。
The fundamental principles of the constitution of the extra power relation are: principle of privilege limitation, principle of legitimate procedure conformity and principle of legal procedure adherence. 限制特权原则、合正当程序原则和遵循法定程序原则构成特别权力关系法治的基本原则。
The procedure of tax law enforcement is a legal procedure; 税收执法程序是一种法律程序;